Thursday 27 September 2012

Final Design

After weeks of deciding what my final design will be about I have came to a conclusion. My final design will be contrasting fantasy with reality using street art and pixel art with a message in it. I will be researching two artists; one pixel artist and one street artist. The two artists will be Banksy(street/graffiti artist) and Paul Robertson(pixel artist). Researching Banksy was quite easy as he is an extremley famous artist though, researching Paul Robertson was hard because it is a very common name and he is not that famous. Also in some of Paul Robertsons work he uses nudity so I was unable to access a lot of websites that would give me information on him.

Thursday 6 September 2012


First I tried the ripple effect. I quite liked this effect because if you put it on 100 it looks like all of his shirt has been ripped. I put this effect on completely at random as the effect from the tutorial was not on the newer version of adobe Photoshop.
I am going to practise using a range of filters using adobe Photoshop

Wednesday 5 September 2012