Tuesday 23 October 2012


In the last couple of lessons I have been trying out a few different techniques which I could possibly use for my final design.

One of the techniques I tested was chalk on black card. I enjoyed this because (despite not being very good at it) I thoroughly enjoy drawing and this was very similar. I liked how I could be lazy with my shading in and it could still look good because when you use your fingers to rub the chalk it is a lot more effective than doing it with pencil. I decided to do Super Mario's head and the top half of his body. It looked alright when I had finished because I used the chalk effectively by rubbing it with my finger and using several colours in my design.

Another technique I tried out was drawing with charcoal. I found this even more like drawing with pencil so I enjoyed this also. Once again I drew a picture of Super Mario but this time I drew his whole body shooting out of a pipe. I drew my picture on an A3 piece of paper so that I could add more drawings next to it although I didnt get round to it as I had other techniques to try out.

The final technique I tried was the most enjoyable of all. It was printing paint on sheets of paper using polystyrene squares. I did this by getting a picture of Super Mario and resting it on top of the polystyrene square. I then drew around the lines and when I lifted the sheet of paper up it had carved a small silhouette of Super Mario being fired out of pipe once more. The outcome was alright but I would like to try out creating the same effect using Photoshop so that I have more control over what the final outcome will look like.

In conclusion I doubt that I will be using any of these techniques in my final design because despite enjoying them a lot, I'm just not very good. So I will hopefully create my idea using many different editing techniques on Adobe Photoshop.

Wednesday 10 October 2012


My final design consists of Pixel Art, Street Art & Graffiti. The artists that I have researched for these styles of art are Paul Robertson and Banksy. I will need to research Paul Robertson because he is style of art is Pixel Art, I will need this to create the Super Mario in my final design. I have already done a quick drawing of Super Mario in my sketch pad that is not pixelated. I will be making the pixel art Mario on my computer after watching tutorials on how to do pixel art and also after I have done more research on it. I researched Banksy as one of the main things in my final design is Street Art. Banksy is possibly the UKs most famous Street Artist/Graffiti Artist. I have taken a picture of a brick wall and printed it off because this will be the background of my final design.